From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

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Adding a project constraint

Adding a project constraint

- [Instructor] To add the project constraint, you need to ensure that your project is open. Now, it does automatically open up the Activity window, but I do need to assign this in the Project window. You want to make sure the project is selected and under the Dates tab, I'm going to assign a Must Finish By date of April 6th, 4:00 p.m. To see the results of this, I'll switch over to the Activity window and select the Schedule button or press F9, then Schedule. You will notice that the activity bars remain red as we have no float in the current plan. I'll go ahead and change the Create Assessment Questions duration to four days and Reschedule. You will now notice that the bars are green, showing that we're finishing earlier than planned. If I was to change this to six days and Schedule, you will see that the negative float bar pops up, showing that we're behind schedule. For now, I'll leave it as five days and Reschedule. Using the project constraint is a good way to stay on track.
