From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

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You are ready for change

You are ready for change

- When we are in the midst of change that feels out of our control, our go-to response is, just stick with what we know and what we feel safe with, but often this is the exact opposite of what would actually help us. So let's assess the reality of your situation. Change in your organization is inevitable and it's probably out of your control. I'll admit, not an ideal set of circumstances and your brain's natural fear response will be doing everything to protect you in ways that don't help one bit, but it doesn't mean that your hands are tied. You can find ways to reframe your response to change by staying focused on what's important to you and powering up your essential supports. This will actually send signals back to that part of your brain that processes fear to say, "You know what? Yep, this is pretty scary, but I'm still the master of my own destiny and there's plenty I can still do to keep it that way". The…
