From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

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Power up your well-being in times of change

Power up your well-being in times of change

From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

Power up your well-being in times of change

- At the start of this year, I went for a walk with a good friend. Now, we're not usually the New Year's resolution-y types. My motto is definitely that well, certainly in Ireland, January is hard enough without throwing unnecessary challenges into the mix. So instead, we were talking about our hopes for this year. Within a matter of seconds, just like a game of Snap, we both agreed that our well-being was the absolute forerunner. See, you can have everything you want in the world but without your well-being, it's hard to show up for any of it. And by showing up here, I mean really being there with 10-on-10 energy and appreciating every moment. So I realized that's what well-being is to me. Being able to show up for what you want to do. During periods of uncertainty and change that is beyond your control, stress levels tend to soar. And our well-being is one of the first things to get compromised. But well-being is…
