From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

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Power up your environment and routine in times of change

Power up your environment and routine in times of change

From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

Power up your environment and routine in times of change

- At its most basic level, safety and security come down to the environment we build and the routine we're in. We create a home that feels safe, and we create a routine that gives us boundaries to help us feel secure. In a work context, we traditionally haven't had much say on the environment we work in or the routine we have. The best you could do was to make sure you had a picture of your dog on your desk, or schedule your lunch hour at the same time every day. But we're moving. Actually, we've moved to a new way of working, which means that you could get even smarter with this. And you can really focus on bringing your work environment and routine closer in line with what's important to you than ever before. Now, when I work with people trying to navigate this, in addition to keeping what's important to them front of mind, I ask them to really consider how they prefer to work. As part of this, we look at how they…
