From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

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Power up your community in times of change

Power up your community in times of change

From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

Power up your community in times of change

- In the Lego Batman Movie, yes, I have two young boys. It was only a matter of time before I brought Lego Batman into this. Anyway, Batman comes to the realization that he can't survive the latest threat to Gotham City with his usual lone ranger act. Alfred and Robin encourage him to extend his trust and make some allies. Lo and behold, with his new powers in tow, Batman saves the day. And who knew there's some real psychology behind this. You see, through adverse times, a sense of belonging and connectivity is one of the factors that really protects us and even helps us thrive. This idea is weaved throughout the history of eminent theories in psychology. In 1859, Darwin called out "cohesiveness in communities" as a key factor in their survival. So basically, crucial to our successful evolution. In 1943, Maslow called out belonging and human connectivity on his infamous Hierarchy of Needs. More recently, the big…
