From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

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Power up your career in times of change

Power up your career in times of change

From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

Power up your career in times of change

- During a time of uncertainty, you might not have the energy or motivation to take on a big career move. So, let me take you back to what's important right now, and ask you to think again about your goals or that your intentions guide you. We know that new experiences, working with different people, learning new skills as we go, are all things that make us more adaptable and employable. So what if you could take a gig economy approach, to managing your career within your organization? The gig economy, is a term coined to describe the increasing number of people, opting to freelance and take on roles on a project-by-project basis. It's certainly a fantastic way to test and enhance adaptability. And we keep hearing that it's going to be the way we all work in the future. Traditionally, we thought of career moves within an organization as steps in a ladder, but I like to think of it now more like a giant game of snake.…
