From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

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How to move from surviving to thriving through change

How to move from surviving to thriving through change

From the course: Preparing Yourself for Change

How to move from surviving to thriving through change

- If you've ever played classic video games you'll know how it feels when you get a power up. You're usually amidst all sorts of chaos and the power-up gives you a sense of renewed confidence that you'll make it to the next level. Now, the workplace doesn't have quite so many falling boulders and flying turtles but a bit of confidence to make it through uncertainty and chaos is always welcome. So to fully reframe our response to change and really thrive in its wake, we need to find things that are still well within our control and give ourselves that extra boost where we need it. I've noticed that there are five main areas where people do this. The first is wellbeing. Like focusing on your wellbeing and exactly what wellbeing is to you you'll feel equipped to keep that focus no matter what change comes your way. The second is community. By strengthening the relationships and building trust amongst people you work…
