From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

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Trimming clips

Trimming clips

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to start to trim the clips that we've assembled into the timeline, knowing that many are longer than what we'd like to have for the final duration. In order to follow along, I recommend that you go back to the first movie in this chapter where we imported some clips into Premier Pro. We then created a sequence, we started to rearrange those clips, not to mention made some editing decisions with a clip in the source monitor. Now, we're just focused primarily on the sequence and then trimming the contents of clips that we brought in earlier. We just locked our Premier Pro V1 track, I'm going to unlock that, and then just press the Home key on my Mac to go to the beginning of the timeline. Many of the shots here, the first three, are way too long for our desired length, which is just around 40 seconds. In fact, if I select one of these clips, the first one, and press the X key,…
