From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

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Stabilizing slips

Stabilizing slips

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to learn how we can stabilize a shot inside of Adobe Premiere Pro. I'm here in my Premiere Pro for Social Media Chapter 2 and 3 project. I'll double click on the Chapter 2 bin. And here is the Chapter 2.4 sequence that we'll be using where we'll stabilize this shot. Let's take a look at it. Move my playhead to the beginning, followed by Control ~ to make it full screen, and then the Spacebar, so we can see some of the undesirable shaky motion with this handheld shot. The best part is, with examples like this which have moderate shakiness, Premier Pro can easily fix this by an auto-analysis. This is achieved by going to your effects panel. First of all, we can go Shift 7 to do that. I've already done a search for a warp stabilizer here at the top, and under the Video Effects distort category is the Warp Stabilizer effect. Once you apply it to the clip, it's going to…
