From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

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Making edit decisions and rearranging clips

Making edit decisions and rearranging clips

From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

Making edit decisions and rearranging clips

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to look at how we can rearrange clips within our sequence. Not to mention make editing decisions on clips from the source monitor. Bring that into the timeline. In order to follow along you'll want to start from the beginning of this chapter where we imported some clips then we learned how we could create a sequence as well as make some small changes to the sizes of clips. And I'm here in my Iceland quick edit sequence. Here, in order to see all of the clips I'm just going to press the backslash key with it in order to see all of the shots in the timeline. And there just so happens to be a very long volcano clip. It is the third last one in the timeline. What we're going to do is with it selected is just press the X key which is a way to mark a clip in the timeline and then be able to see its duration in the program monitor. So keep in mind I'm in the assembly workspace. If you…
