From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

Importing footage and organizing clips

From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

Importing footage and organizing clips

- [Instructor] Welcome to chapter one for this course on Premier Pro for social media. In this section what we're going to do is edit together a short vertical video, roughly about 30 to 40 seconds long. If you're following along, you should have access to the exercise files, which at this time you want to put in a place on your system where you can have it easily accessible. After you've done that, let's launch Premier Pro. You can do this by going to the applications folder of your system and double-clicking. Or if you're on a Mac like me, just click Premier Pro if you have it on your dock. We'll be presented with a welcome screen and it's here where we want to Create a New Project, this is going to be at the top of the Premier Pro window so we can give that a click. And right away we get prompted to enter a project name, so we'll call this Iceland Travels. We want to just draw attention to where we're saving this project, which happens in my case to be on the desktop. But more than likely, if this is the first time that you've launched Premier Pro, this is going to be in your documents folder. So you could store that where you want. And what we do want to go to is wherever you've stored those exercise files, mine happens to be on the desktop, and it's here I going to just double-click to open up that folder. You'll see that there are a variety of clips inside this folder and as well as still images. And the first thing we want to do is just minimize the search to just see what video we have. We can do that from this icon here, the File Types Displayed, instead of All Supported Files, let's set that to Video Only. It's going to make it easier for us to find the assets that we're looking for. Since we might come back to this folder at another time, we could also mark it as a favorite location and now you can see here, we can just click on this once in order to import more content when we need it. I'm going to scroll down and what we'd like to do is bring in a series of mostly vertical clips into Premier Pro and already have it set up in a sequence. In order to do this, we can start to hover scrub over the various clips that we have here. Let's start here with the clips of the animals on the road. We're going to select that clip, and you'll notice, by default, it gets populated down here on the left. So not only is this going to be brought into Premier Pro's project panel where we can start to organize and view media, but it's also going to be in a sequence. We've started to assemble our story. It's because on the right-hand side, Create New Sequence is currently active, which we'll keep and will instead name this Iceland Quick Edit. Let's continue to bring in more clips. And it should just be noted that some of these are various sizes, 'cause on my iPhone I captured footage not only at the default 4K for regular video, but in time-lapse and slow-mo as well. If you hover over the name of the clip, we should be able to see its size. So I just want you to note this shot, which is slow motion, happens to be 1080 by 1920 versus the original shot that I brought in, where there is no slow motion, is a much larger frame size of 2160 by 3840. I want to choose a few more clips to bring into the timeline. So I want to bring in these two shots here of the river. I'll also select this shot here of the plants. Scroll down, grab this shot of the volcano. And in fact, another longer shot, this one here, of the volcano as well. I just want to note that this is a very different dimension than the vertical and we'll have to deal with its scaling at a later time inside of Premier Pro. I'll scroll up and we'll also add two additional shots here of these glaciers. So we have nine clips, and on top of having them inside a sequence, we're also going to place them in a bin. So to do that, just click here to Activate New Bin and click the Disclosure Triangle next to New Bin where we'll call these Vertical Clips. Now that we have those nine shots assembled inside a sequence as well as selected here, I'll choose Create. And we could see that inside of our project panel we now have that Vertical Clips Bin. A few of these shots are not vertical so we'll want to move them as well as a sequence populated with each of our shots which we'll have to trim down at a later point in time. Now, just to change a little bit of organization here since some of those clips weren't vertical, we can create a new bin at any time by clicking to create the new bin where we'll be prompted to rename it. And I'll call this 16 9 Clips. And I'm going to double-click the Vertical Clips Bin in order to open it as well as select it by it's name at the top here and drag it over to the right. So what we should have is a split-screen window, so there's the vertical clips there on the right, if I click and then select my project from this two arrow menu, here I can see my 16 9 clips, I'm just going to double-click that and now make it easy to drag those three clips into a new bin. While we're here, I'm going to click on the back arrow to the 16 9 Clip Folder and drag my sequence, which happens to be in that Vertical Clips Bin, out into the main project area. And once that's done, I'll click on the three line icon at the top of the Vertical Clips Bin and then just choose to close the panel. We should see now our Vertical Clips Bin, not to mention our 16 9 Clips here, our file is nicely organized inside of Premier Pro. As you work in the project panel and you double-click a bin, there are several different ways that we can look at clips that you should be aware of. I'm just going to make a little bit more space here in the project panel, but note that we have the ability to move between Icon View, something known as Freeform view, where we can even stack clips on top of each other, and then List View, which will give us information about each of these shots. So there's a little bit about how we can import clips inside of Premier Pro, create a sequence at the same time, we're going to continue along this story where we're to learn how we can create a sequence from scratch, if we just imported our clips, not to mention make some modifications to the sequence we just created.
