From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

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Finalizing sound

Finalizing sound

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to do a little bit of audio refinement in a sequence before we prepare our project for export. Now to follow along, if you have access to the exercise files, you want to go to the Chapter 3 bin, and double click to open the chapter 3.1 sequence. Once you've done that, we want to be in the same workspace together, so you can go up to the window menu, and under workspaces you should see audio. Now this workspace should look similar to mine, and for any reason that it doesn't, simply head to the window menu and under workspaces you can reset to the saved layout. Inside your sequence, move your playhead to the very beginning of the project, and let me press the spacebar to play this back, and we can pay attention to what's happening. (upbeat music) - [Speaker] In 2022, I was granted the experience of a lifetime, I landed in Iceland. - [Instructor] As you can see, the music is…
