From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

Downloading and using the exercise files

From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

Downloading and using the exercise files

- [Instructor] Now before we begin in our journey together to learn about Premier Pro for social media, I just wanted you to be aware of a couple things. One is you could head to Adobe Premier Pro's website and on this site if you have access to the premium files, follow along with a free trial of the software. Simply from the page, go to the free trial. And then from here, you could choose what plan you want, seven day free trial, and then what would happen is if you wanted to keep on trying Premier Pro. These prices are of course going to fluctuate depending on where you are accessing Premier Pro from. The next thing that you should know is before downloading Premier Pro is to make sure that the system that you have and are currently using, whether it be a Mac or PC, is compatible for Premier Pro, meaning that it has enough CPU as well as GPU power. You can find this in Adobe's help section for Premier Pro system requirements. If I scroll down here we'll see for Windows, the processor that is required, not to mention the amount of memory as well as GPU. If I click on this tab just here it will reveal the macOS, the memory, as well as operating system for the current version of Premier Pro. This will switch depending on what version of Premier Pro you have. In order to access the exercise files you're going to need to have Adobe Premier Pro 2023 installed. Finally, with that premium membership, underneath this course you'll see that there's an option to download exercise files. You're going to want to store those in a place that you can find them, whether that be your downloads, documents, or desktop. After those files are unzipped this is the folder that you'll see and if you double click it, they're going to be a number of clips that I'm going to prompt you to import when you launch Premiere Pro. Not to mention, if we scroll down, an actual Premier Pro project, which is called Premier Pro Project for Social Media Chapter Two and Three, you'll be asked to open this at a later time, either directly from Premier Pro or if you simply double click, it will launch Premier Pro where we'll have access to various sequences that will take us through the lessons. I can't wait to get started, see you in the next movie.
