From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

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Changing clip speed

Changing clip speed

- [Instructor] In this movie, let's look at how we can make speed changes inside of Adobe Premiere Pro. I'm here in my chapter two bin, so if you have access to the exercise files, head here and then double click on the chapter two underscore three sequence. What we're going to do is make some speed changes to the second clip first. Now, just to prepare yourself, in your timeline, you want to expand your V1 track until you see this little Add Remove Keyframe icon for when we make changes to the first clip. Let's notice the speed in the second clip. I'm just going to play this back by pressing the spacebar key. And ideally, we want to speed up the action. One way to do this is to select the clip and then from the clip menu, we're going to go to the speed duration option. That's Command R on a Mac or Control R on a PC. I'll make the speed 200% which is going to half the duration of the clip. We'll visually see that once…
