From the course: Oracle Database 19c: Basic SQL

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Using the DDL command in SQLcl

Using the DDL command in SQLcl

- If you need a command line tool to access Oracle 19 c databases, SQLcl is it. If you want more than just the describe command found in SQL Plus and you can't use SQL developer in certain scenarios, then SQLcl is definitely it. I'll show you many of the DDL command options in SQLcl, that will get you all the object metadata that you need and more. In another video, I present an overview of SQLcl. In this video, I'll show you how to take advantage of the output you get from the DDL command. Here's the high level list of the things, DDL can provide. Physical object attributes such as storage and compression type, indexes on the table, Triggers, primary and foreign key constraints, and best of all, saving the output to a file. Let's try some of these things out in SQLcl. First, connect to the database with SQLcl by using in the SQL command and providing credentials. I'll type sql, hr, password hr, give it the server name, localhost, and the database to connect to, and I'm connected…
