From the course: Oracle Database 19c: Basic SQL

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Querying the data dictionary

Querying the data dictionary

- The data dictionary contains all the metadata about your database. The users, the tables, how they're structured, and how big all the objects are. Some of the data dictionary's stored in permanent storage. But others are dynamic and lose their content when the database instances shut down. I'll show you how to access the metadata you need via several different methods. The data dictionary views also known as the metadata views, come in two flavors, permanent and dynamic. The permanent objects are owned by SYS or System and their contents are relatively static. You access them via a public synonym usually with the same name so that you don't have to qualify the object name. Dynamic performance views, in contrast, always begin with V dollar or GV dollar and their contents start out empty when an instance restarts. And lose their contents when an instance is shut down since they reside only in memory. For the permanent data dictionary views containing metadata on objects, such as…
