From the course: Oracle Database 19c: Basic SQL

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Collation rules

Collation rules

- [Instructor] What are the rules around database collation? You might never run into them even when you have a lot of international character sets in your AL32UTF8 Oracle Database 19c database. I'll talk about what they do, how to change them if needed, either temporarily or permanently and why they make a difference. What does collation mean? In a nutshell, it means the order by which characters in a string column or constant, are sorted and linguistically ordered. An internal algorithm defines the collation sequence for strings in your database. The definition we're going to use is more likely the first one. The action of collating something. For the English language, collating by the order of the 26 letters of the alphabet is straightforward. But once you talk about upper versus lowercase, then you get to the European character set with its alphabets that have the same character that can be accented in several different ways, it can get murky. That's when the algorithm comes in…
