From the course: Oracle Database 12c: Advanced SQL

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Overview of database transactions

Overview of database transactions - Oracle Database Tutorial

From the course: Oracle Database 12c: Advanced SQL

Overview of database transactions

- [Instructor] Another extremely important concept to understand when writing SQL queries in an Oracle database is the concept of database transactions or transactions in short. A transaction is the name given to an autonomous unit of work that is performed in the Oracle database and modifies data. Each transaction is treated as a coherent, reliable, and independent unit of work that is separate from other transactions in the database. So for example, if a user connected to the Oracle database and performs several DML commands such as inserts, update, or deletes, that is this user is modifying data in the database, then all of these commands are treated as a single unit of work or a single transaction and will be completely isolated from other transactions that can occur simultaneously from either other users connected to the database or even multiple sessions from the same user. Multiple concurrent transactions can of course coexist at the same time again either from different…
