From the course: Oracle Database 12c: Advanced SQL

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Database transactions in action

Database transactions in action

- [Instructor] Okay, it's time to see database transactions in action. We'll start by opening a session to the HR schema and running an update statement on the employees table. So, I'll type update employees set salary equals 25000 where employee_id equals 100. And as you can see, one row has been updated. If I select this row from the same session where I've issued the update, I should be able to see the new updated value. So, select * from employees where employee_id equals 100. As you can see, for employee 100, the salary is now twenty-five hundred. Now let's see what happens if I attempt to select the same row, but from another session. In order to do that, I've also created another connection to the database, entitled it hr2. Let's take a look at the properties of the new hr2 connection, and see that it is identical to hr1. So, I'm connecting from the same user to the same Oracle database running on my localhost, and the only difference is in the connection name, hr versus hr2…
