From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Security introduction

Security introduction

(gentle music) - Welcome to this module on OCI security. Let's start with an introduction. So in security, you always hear this term called shared security model. What does this actually mean? Well, in an on-premises environment, you own the whole stack and you are responsible for security end to end. As you move to the cloud, some of the responsibilities transfer to the cloud provider, in this case Oracle, and some are retained by you. So that is what we mean by a shared security model. What does it look like in the cloud? Well in the cloud, Oracle cloud infrastructure is responsible for security of the cloud, which means things like the physical data center, the physical network, the physical host, even virtualization layer, making sure it's passed and it's up to date. All those are responsibilities of Oracle. So that's basically the security of the cloud. You are responsible for security in the cloud. What…
