From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Instance basics

Instance basics

(ambient music) - Welcome to this lesson on instance basics. Let's look at some of the instance basics here. So when we say an instance, what we mean is a compute host and it has several dependencies. So let's look at them. So you have an Oracle Cloud region here. A region is comprised of multiple ADs. and AD is nothing but a data center as you can see here. The first dependency, the compute service has or compute host have is on virtual cloud network. So in order to spin up a compute instance you need a virtual cloud network. As you can see here, you have a network. We divide it into smaller portions called subnets. So you have a subnetwork here and you need to create these before you can spin up a compute host. Now you can spin up a compute host. It's a physical construct. Networking is a virtual construct. So how are they related? Within a compute host you have a physical network interface card and you virtualize…
