From the course: Optimizing Your Candidate Outreach Strategy

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Simplifying the recruiting process

Simplifying the recruiting process

- One of the most common mistakes I see in candidate outreach is treating cold prospects the same as interested applicants. These are two very different audiences that require very different messages. When reaching out to cold candidates who have in no way indicated that they're interested in our opening or any opening for that matter, we can't ask them to jump through a bunch of hoops. So even though I contacted you and you're probably not even looking for a job right now, please send me all the things: an updated resume, your cell number, three times you're available to speak, your salary expectations, your work authorization status, your answers to the skills questionnaire, a few referral candidates if you're not interested, oh and please also fill out our 20 minute online application. Are you kidding me? We might as well change the subject line to please delete immediately. So, creating unnecessary friction like these barriers to entry will greatly decrease the chance that the…
