From the course: Optimizing Your Candidate Outreach Strategy

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Personalized communication

Personalized communication

- Okay, so I'm not a fan of generic bulk messaging, but I'm actually a prolific user of templates. I'm all about maximizing my return on investment while simultaneously creating great candidate experiences and driving up response rates. And personalized templates can help accomplish all of that so we don't need to write a custom message from scratch every time. Let's break down how to do that. For bulk hires, high volume roles, and communicating with applicants, sure, you can just send boilerplate messages. But for niche or hard-to-fill roles, it's always best to take a moment to customize your message to increase your chances of hearing back. That little bit of extra effort is well worth it. In fact, LinkedIn data shows that a personalized InMail is 40% more likely to be accepted than a generic one. An easy way to do that is by including a personalized icebreaker. Simply scan their LinkedIn profile and look for any commonalities or interesting details, then pop 'em into your…
