From the course: Optimizing Your Candidate Outreach Strategy

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Engaging confidently

Engaging confidently

- Are you nervous or apprehensive about sourcing and reaching out to cold candidates? I get it, it can be scary and intimidating at times. But never let that show through. I've seen way too many recruiting emails that start off with apologies or timid tiptoeing: "Really sorry to bug you," or, "Not sure if you're looking right now," "Sorry to interrupt your day," "Thanks for hearing me out." Yikes, like what kind of message are we sending when we approach a candidate in this wishy-washy way? That the role, the team, the company are just a big interruption and waste of their time, that they should run in the opposite direction? Confidence is key. Believe in the opportunity you're sharing with your candidate. Be excited and enthusiastic about this great chance that you're introducing to them. Hype it up. This is a great time to weave in the hiring manager's answer to that: Why would a top performer leave their job to take this role? What's exciting and special about this opportunity?…
