From the course: Negotiation Foundations

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Understanding how influence works

Understanding how influence works

From the course: Negotiation Foundations

Understanding how influence works

- Let's be completely transparent for a moment about why we negotiate. We want something we don't currently have, like a car or a six-figure income or a private office. Or maybe we want to see movie A and our partner wants to see movie B. So humans being human, we set out to convince our negotiation partners that what we want is what they should want, but persuading people to see things our way is rarely a winning strategy. We might be so persuasive that we're successful in the short term, but in the long term, using persuasion tactics alone is on relationships, personal and professional. So let's take a look at the body of work Psychology and Marketing Professor, Robert Cialdini calls Principles of Influence. And how using them in combination with interest based-strategies might help you and your conversation partner get more of what you both want. Let's take a look at the six principles of influence. First, the…
