From the course: Negotiation Foundations

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Email and text negotiation

Email and text negotiation

- It's been a lot of years since business people began to use email and we still haven't figured out a way to avoid most of the trouble it causes. When we talk by video conference or in person, we're consciously and subconsciously picking up bits of information, not just from words, but also tone of voice, posture, and body language. The good news is that email, yes, words alone can communicate context and tone, as well as empathy, passion, curiosity, and doubt. If that weren't true, we wouldn't cry at the end of "Grapes of Wrath" or laugh out loud at a humorous editorial. Email just takes a little more care. So I want to borrow from the expertise of my business partner, Victoria Pinshon, and give you eight tips for adding tone, texture, context, and emotion to a problem solving email negotiation. We'll go through a sample email section by section and you can also download an email template in the exercise files…
