From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Using Smart Objects to organize

Using Smart Objects to organize

- As you work in Photoshop, you may find it necessary to take advantage of smart objects. Remember, every layer is going to be imported into After Effects when you use the import as composition command. So you might want to get rid of some layers, but do it in a non-permanent way. For example, let's look at this image here. As you work in Photoshop, you may find it necessary to take advantage of smart objects. Remember, every layer is going to be imported into After Effects when you use the import as composition command. So you might want to get rid of some layers, but do it in a non-permanent way. For example, let's take a look at this image here. I'm going to turn off some of the layers so you can see this more clearly. In this case, the forest was built using two pieces. Now, maybe you want to animate those on purpose with different layers, or maybe you don't. I've got a couple of choices here. First up, if I Shift …
