From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Using motion blur

Using motion blur

- In order to get the best results, I strongly encourage you to turn on an option called Motion Blur. Motion Blur is the natural blurring of edges caused by movement. Whether it's two layers that are moving or that the camera is moving quickly, you'll get the best results when you enable this. It does take a little longer to render and process but it adds an extra level of professionalism and realism. To enable this, you'll have to do it in two places. First, make sure you look at the top of the composition. You'll see some switches here and this one right here globally enables Motion Blur. That's important to turn on. And if you check each of these comps, you're going to want to make sure that it is indeed active. It'll turn blue if it's enabled. Now we need to change each layer. Click the Switches and Modes to look at these. You'll see we've previously promoted them to 3D Layers. That's fine. What I want to do now is…
