From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Resolution guidelines

Resolution guidelines

- Normally when I tackle motion control 3D, I want to make sure that I have enough resolution in the source images. Now, in some cases, the exercise files that I'm giving you have been compressed to make them smaller so it's easy for you to download them or work with them on a standard computer, rather than a high end video production animation machine. This will reduce the amount of data that you had to download as well as that you have to process. However, typically, if I'm doing this technique for real, for professional clients, I'm going to use higher resolution files. Think of it this way, you want great quality so you can use zooms and pans. So if you were delivering something in standard HD, well, that's 1920 pixels across by 1080, but if you wanted to do a zoom or a pan on the image, well you might need up to five times that resolution. Let's take a look here at our sample images in Adobe Bridge. Now, I'm going to…
