From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Identifying planes

Identifying planes

- One of the things you'll want to do when you look at a photograph is quickly identify the number of planes. Think of this as the major levels of depth within a photograph. In this first example here, I see three different levels. I notice the background with the trees, the pillars and then our foreground statue. Technically, there's even a fourth level here with this front pillar, depending upon how we animate the photo. Now in this case, there's some clear depth. The pillar and the statue are not that far from each other but these trees are much further back. For simplicity, I'll end up ignoring this pillar up front but we could have treated that as a fourth plane. If we look at this next image, this one's already been cut up a bit. Here, you can see some of the different areas we have. Our background, the people extracted with their feet extended a bit and that's just to create a little bit of overlap with the…
