From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Creating a staging diagram

Creating a staging diagram

- Now, you might have recalled when we looked at this image we identified three planes, a foreground, a subject, and a background. Each of these is a plane of existence. Now let's take a look at this more as an illustration. Here you can see the different depths, and we've kind of illustrated the relationship between these. So in this case, the foreground is the grass, the subject are the two people standing, and they're in front of the background. You don't have to make an illustration like this, but I think it's helpful sometimes to really understand what's going on. Also, if the camera's going to be off centered it really helps us understand that different parts of the photo may or may not be in focus. I like to use a little bit of shallow depth of field effect so as the camera moves, you'll notice some subtle variation of what's in focus and what's not. Now, I did choose to put a little bit more distance here between…
