From the course: Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions Using Photoshop and After Effects

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Animating a vanishing point

Animating a vanishing point

- Now that we've got the files prepped, it's time to bring them into After Effects and take a look. Keep in mind that once you have them there, there might be the need for a little bit of cleanup, possibly adding some transparency or cloning in missing details. I'm going to work with the animated version here, leaving my other one for reference. Let's select the camera itself and twirl down its controls. Now, I still suggest that you use two views here. This will make it a bit easier. On the left, I'm going to set that to the active camera view. And on the right, I'll use Custom View 1 for now. That helps me see the scene a bit. Let's zoom in on the left here through the active viewfinder a bit and now look at the camera. You can see how the different pieces have come together. Now, they're not overlapping perfectly from this view, but through the camera it looks pretty solid. What I'm going to do is open up the transform…
