From the course: Mobile Marketing Strategy

What you need to know

- [Narrator] Mark Cuban says, "Staying relevant requires learning." Before we get started, there are a few principles of marketing strategy that you will need to apply in this course. This course will help you stay relevant. However, you should have knowledge of traditional and digital marketing principles and tactics. We're going to build upon what you already know. Specifically for this course, you'll need to know how to create a basic customer journey, buyer persona and a SWOT competitive analysis. We'll start with the buyer's journey. We'll build upon the basics stages of a buyer's journey, awareness, consideration, decision, purchase, loyalty, and advocacy. You're going to get an understanding of the process buyers go through to purchase your product or service. Next, you'll need to know about buyer personas. Most likely you've created a buyer persona before. We'll leverage this knowledge to create your mobile buyer persona. And finally, you need to know about a SWOT competitive analysis. You'll need to know the basics of conducting a SWOT competitive analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. You'll also have access to a few worksheets that you can use to guide you through this process. These can be downloaded in the exercise files. So get a pen and some paper and take notes. You've made a good decision to build upon what you already know to stay relevant in this ever-changing evolving digital landscape. Your investment of time in this course will provide you with the foundational knowledge and resources to build an effective mobile marketing strategy. "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." said by Benjamin Franklin.
