From the course: Miss Excel’s Top Productivity Hacks

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Meet XLOOKUP: The new Microsoft lookup function

Meet XLOOKUP: The new Microsoft lookup function - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Miss Excel’s Top Productivity Hacks

Meet XLOOKUP: The new Microsoft lookup function

- You ready to take a ride? I've brought us out to beautiful Sedona, Arizona because we are going to be looking at some ATV data and testing out Excel's new XLOOKUP function. Let's hit the road. Here we have our ATV customer data. In column B, we have the names of our customers and in column C, we have their cities. And let's say here that we want to look up the city for a particular customer on our list. We can use the XLOOKUP function in order to do this. So for example, if we wanted to look up Marco's city here, all we need to is let's click into Cell G4 and type our equal sign to start the function. And next, we go ahead and type XLOOKUP. Now, the XLOOKUP has six different arguments. The first three are mandatory arguments and the latter three are optional arguments, as signified by the bracket. For this example, we are going to be working with the first three mandatory arguments. Now, the first argument we have here…
