From the course: Miss Excel’s Top Productivity Hacks

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Meet the new FILTER function

Meet the new FILTER function

(upbeat music) - Let's talk filters. Now we might not be talking about the filters you're thinking of. In this lesson, we're going to be looking at the new filter function in Excel. Let's hop in here and see how it works. In this example, we are going to be looking at our filter function. And here in column A, we have a list of our different office locations. In column B, we have a list of the departments for each of those office locations. And in column C, we have how many employees are in each of those offices. And let's say we want to pull some of that data out for a particular city. In this case, we are are going to be pulling the data for the city of Charlotte. Now you might be thinking, Cat, can't we just put a filter on that raw data and filter out all the other offices besides Charlotte? And the answer is yes. However, that is altering the original data set, right? If you go over and look at it, you're…
