From the course: Miss Excel’s Top Productivity Hacks

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Meet SUM's supervisor: The SUMIF function

Meet SUM's supervisor: The SUMIF function - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Miss Excel’s Top Productivity Hacks

Meet SUM's supervisor: The SUMIF function

(keyboard keys clicking) - All right, Sum, I need you to get ready. We have a big assignment today. What are we doing today, Boss? I need you to sum just the Q4 data only. I can't have you summing everything we've got out there. Q4 only? Really? Ugh, let me show you how it's done. So here we're going to step it up a notch from our traditional sum function with the SUMIF function. So here on the left, we have our quarterly sales data. In column A, we have a list of the quarter that the sale amount in column B is corresponding to. And let's say we want to sum all of the sales amounts for Q2, or quarter 2, only. What we can do here is leverage the SUMIF function. This allows you to sum only numbers that hit a particular criteria that you set. So to demonstrate this, I'm going to click into cell E3, and type an equal sign in our cell. Next we type SUMIF and open our parenthese. And as you can see here,…
