From the course: Miss Excel’s Top Productivity Hacks

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LEFT and FIND: The Excel power couple

LEFT and FIND: The Excel power couple - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Miss Excel’s Top Productivity Hacks

LEFT and FIND: The Excel power couple

(upbeat music) - Let's meet Excel's power couple, the LEFT and the FIND function. And here we'll learn how this dynamic duo works together. Let's check out how to combine the LEFT and the FIND function to make our LEFT functions more dynamic. Now, first to demonstrate how the LEFT function works. Let's say with our City, State column in column A that we want to extract just the city names inside of column B. What we can do here is click into our cell B2 and type an equal sign to start our LEFT function. And then when we type LEFT, as you can see, there are two different arguments. The first argument is our text. So this is where we highlight the text that we want Excel to be extracting from. You could also write out the text inside of quotes, if you'd like. However, in order to make this dynamic, I would recommend using cell references. So in this case, if we want to extract the word San Diego from our cell here…
