From the course: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Associate (SC-200) Exam Tips

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Design and configure a Microsoft Sentinel workspace

Design and configure a Microsoft Sentinel workspace

- [Instructor] Microsoft Sentinel is a scalable cloud native security information event management, or a SIEM, and security orchestration automation response, or SOAR solution. Microsoft Sentinel provides the full view across the company to recognize increasingly sophisticated attacks, increasing volumes of alerts and long resolution timeframes making your company more efficient in responding to and eliminating threats. For context, a security information event management, or SIEM, is a solution within a security operation center that gathers logs and events from various applications and software within an information technology infrastructure. These SIEM solutions then review the logs and events for potential threats by searching for behavior that is not typical to best practices or may be seen as anomalous, or atypical. The benefit of having and utilizing a SIEM is that without one security operations personnel would…
