From the course: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Associate (SC-200) Exam Tips

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Demo: Microsoft 365 Defender

Demo: Microsoft 365 Defender

- [Instructor] Let's take a quick walkthrough of the Microsoft 365 Defender Portal. As you can see, I have logged into which is the URL to use to get to Microsoft 365 Defender and the Defender Portal. When you first come in here, you'll see that it'll actually prompt you to take a quick tour and it shows the Microsoft 365 Defender Suite right in here. We have endpoints, we have identities, we have email and collaboration. We have apps and cloud apps. So let's start by taking a quick tour. So here we have identifying, investigate, and respond to threats. Protect and hunt for threats. Manage and configure permissions, as well as providing feedback to Microsoft. But if we come up here to our home screen we have what threats, what devices, we might have at risk. We can come down to secure score and we have our actual secure score and it's looking at our identity, our data, devices, and apps, and…
