From the course: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals (SC-900) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Describe retention policies, retention labels, and retention label policies

Describe retention policies, retention labels, and retention label policies

- Describe information protection data lifecycle management and data governance capabilities of Microsoft Purview. Here we describe retention policies, retention labels, and retention label policies. Retention policies, retention labels, and retention Label policies are used to manage the lifecycle of data in Microsoft Purview. Retention policies define when to remove or archive data in a log analytics workspace. You can set a different retention policy on individual tables. During the interactive retention period, data is available for monitoring, troubleshooting, and analysis. When you no longer use the logs, but still need to keep the data for compliance or occasional investigation, archive the logs to save cost. Archive data stays in the same table alongside the data that's available for interactive queries. When you set a total retention period that's longer than the interactive retention period, log analytics automatically archives relevant data immediately at the end of the…
