From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant Associate (PL-200) Cert Prep

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Model-driven apps: Specialized form components

Model-driven apps: Specialized form components

- [Instructor] When designing a form for your model-driven app, you're not just limited to basic columns on your screen. Specialized form components provide additional functionality and customization options. Let's explore what some of these are. Timelines display a history of activities that relates to a particular record. It gives the user a view of the interactions and events over time. Here, we have a contact, Alex Baker. Emails between Alex and colleagues are visible here as well as notes, appointments, tasks, and phone calls. You can use the timeline to create new activities too, such as sending emails. You can add iframes to a form to integrate content from another website. This could be things such as videos, maps, and more. Use the external website component to specify the URL and add the iframe control to the form. Grids allow users to view and modify data quickly and efficiently in table format without having…
