From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant Associate (PL-200) Cert Prep

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Model-driven apps: Reporting options

Model-driven apps: Reporting options

- [Instructor] Model driven apps offer a range of options for reporting. You should use them in your apps to give users a visual representation of metrics to paint a picture of what's going on with your business data. Most model driven apps will contain a dashboard area to access charts. Charts can even be added within a form. A dashboard area in your app can be added from the app designer. It's possible to embed Power BI reports here too but we'll cover how to do that later in the course. You should embed Power BI content within your app when you want the flexibility of your own custom design reports as well as the ability to display data from its sources apart from just Dataverse. The dashboards we'll explore in this video for now will be set up from within the app. These are based on dataverse data in the app. Like we saw with views earlier, dashboards can either be public or personal. Public or system dashboards…
