From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Publish and consume dataverse events

Publish and consume dataverse events

- [Instructor] Publish a Dataverse Event by using the Plug-in Registration Tool. The Plug-in Registration Tool allows you to register a written and compiled plug-in with the event framework. We looked at this earlier when we did a little demo of how to register assemblies. Publish a Dataverse Event by using the Plug-in Registration Tool. There are four main steps. Create a new connection, log in, select the target organization, and register your assembly. We looked at this a little bit earlier, but as a quick refresher, you have to download the Plug-in Registration Tool. And to register a new assembly, you just need to select Register, and then the appropriate thing that you're going to register. For this instance, it's Register a New Assembly. Register Service Endpoints. You're able to send data regarding events that occur on the server to a web application using Webhooks. There's three parts to using Webhooks. Create and configure a service to consume Webhook requests, register the…
