From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Process workloads using Azure functions

Process workloads using Azure functions

- [Instructor] Processing workloads. Process long running operations by using Azure Functions. Configure scheduled and event-driven function triggers in Azure Functions. Authenticate to Microsoft Power Platform by using managed identities. Durable functions are an extension of Azure Functions and simplify complex requirements in serverless applications. Here's some typical patterns: Function chaining. Fan-out/fan-in. Async HTTP APIs. Monitoring. Human interaction. And aggregator, stateful entities. Configure scheduled and event-driven function triggers in Azure functions. Create a timer-triggered function. In your app in Azure Portal, under Functions, select Create. From there, select the Timer trigger template, configure the settings, and test. The available templates make this very easy because all you really need to do is configure the settings once you select which template you're going to use. Authenticate to Power Platform with managed identities. You can connect to Dataverse…
