From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Power pages

Power pages

- [Rachel] For this demo, we're going to take a look at Power Pages. Power Pages was previously called Portals, and in an effort to kind of integrate it more into the platform that's being rebranded, it's been rebranded as Power Pages. One of the interesting things that I've seen recently is they moved it outside of the Power Apps Design Studio, kind of into its own standalone design studio. And it's still very much integrated, but I can see that's a change that they've made recently. So if you go to your Power Apps, previously when you went to spin up a new application, it would ask you which type, and Portals and Power Pages was an option. This has changed recently, but you can navigate to it by going to And then you can set up, you'll see this screen, and we're going to walk through it, but you can set up and customize your Power Page. So that's one of the changes that I've seen recently. First, let's talk about Power Pages and what it is…
