From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Model driven apps

Model driven apps

- [Instructor] For this demo, we're going to do a deep dive into model-driven apps and a quick recap, model-driven apps are ideal for data-driven applications. And the reason for that is they have a, they give you rich relationship options in terms of security, tying tables together in Dataverse, being powered by business process flows compared to Canvas apps which allow you some more flexibility in terms of design and aesthetic and customization. But model-driven apps are based on data, specifically Dataverse. So generally if you are dealing with anything dynamics-related, Dataverse-related, model-driven apps probably should be your first look to see if it's an ideal fit. So what we're going to do is we're going to start with creating a solution and then we're going to add some tables, and then on top of those tables we're going to add a model-driven app. So in order to get the full soup-to-nuts experience, we're going to start in our Power Apps Studio and we're going to start with…
