From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Implement application lifecycle management (ALM)

Implement application lifecycle management (ALM)

- [Instructor] What is ALM? If you've been working in the power platform, you've probably seen this acronym. It stands for Application Lifecycle Management. It's a procedural way to develop, test and publish code changes to support source control. Solutions, which we talked about previously, are used to package processes in a development environment to then be moved to a production environment, ALM in the power platform. To use the tools for ALM in the power platform, the environment must include a Dataverse database. Solutions, which are our way of packaging components and moving between environments. Dataverse stores all of the artifacts and it helps enable for source control. Also, the CICD, which stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery platform Environment strategy is really important when helping to support ALM. In the power platform, we have four different types of environment. The first is Sandbox, which is any non-production environment of Dataverse. It's a…
