From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Describe Microsoft Power Platform extensibility points

Describe Microsoft Power Platform extensibility points

- [Instructor] Power Platform extensibility points. There's two categories. User extensibility, which uses custom connectors, component framework, client form scripting, Liquid, JavaScript, and Bot Skill. And then service extensibility, which uses REST APIs, event publishing, plugins, and custom APIs. Component framework. The component framework allows you to create custom visuals when the out of the box ones do not meet the determined requirements. Components are created using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. The React framework is recommended, and it uses the CLI, which stands for command line interface, to initialize component files. When this is done, it creates a manifest, and the manifest lets you enable features. The following are required to implement. The Init function initializes the component instance. UpdateView is called when any value in the property bag changes. This includes column values, datasets, global values, offline status, and component metadata values. Destroy is…
