From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Create model-driven apps

Create model-driven apps

- [Instructor] Canvas versus model-driven apps. Canvas apps are flexible building options for business rich applications. They're good for mobile, desktop, or responsive apps, and there's no data source limitations. Model-driven apps, however, are based on underlying data, specifically Dataverse, and they're ideal for managing multi-step processes in Dynamics. So if you're using a Dataverse database or any kind of dynamic solution, you're most likely going to be working with model-driven apps. So there's three main components for model-driven apps. There's the data components, the UI components would stand for user interface components, and the logic components. Configure commands and buttons using Power Fx. Commands are user-initiated actions. The Power Fx commanding functions are OnSelect, Visible, Selected Property, AutoSave, Patch, and Navigate. Now we're going to switch over and do a little example of how you can use that in a model-driven app. Okay, now you can see that we are…
