From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Create custom connectors

Create custom connectors

- Create an open API definition for REST API. To do this, you'll create a custom connector. Note the open API definition must be less than one megabyte. It needs to be open API 2.0 format, formerly known as swagger. And you need a subscription to one, either Azure Logic Apps, Power Automate or Power Apps. Create an open API definition for REST API, here are the seven steps. First, import an open API definition. Second, review general details. Three, review authentication type. Four, review the connector definition. Five, update the definition. Six, download the updated open API file. And seven, test your connector. Use policy templates to modify connector behavior at runtime. Policies modify the behavior of connectors at a runtime, an example is throttling limits on calls to route to different endpoints. Here are the steps to do that. On the custom connection wizard, select definition, select new policy. Then select a template from the template dropdown. Provide the required…
